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Septimius Severus

L. Septimius Severus

Dynasty: Severans

Augustus (AD 193-211)

Septimius Severus, as Governor of Pannonia, was the eventual victor in the civil war that followed the end of the Antonine Dynasty in AD 192. He hailed from Africa and his wife, Julia Domna, came from a local noble family of Syria. Septimius Severus successfully recovered the province of Mesopotamia for the Empire, and was on campaign when in Britain when he died, in AD 211, leaving the empire to his two sons, Caracalla and Geta. Severus' major policy as emperor was the appeasement of the armies by granting them huge bonuses throughout his reign. He removed the threat of the Praetorian Guard by posting a Legion in Italy itself

Obverse Legends on coins depicting Septimius Severus

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Coins of Septimius Severus currently available

Coin image Septimius Severus
Silver denarius issued AD 198-202
Obv: L SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PART MAX, Laureate head right
Rev: MONETA AVGG, Moneta, draped, seated left, holding scales in extended right hand and cornucopiae in left hand
Very Fine   |   AUD $150.00