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M. Aurelius Antoninus

Dynasty: Severans

Augustus (AD 218-222)

Grand nephew of Septimius Severus as he was the grandson of Julia Domna's sister Julia Maesa. As High Priest at Emesa he was proclaimed emperor by troops loyal to the memory of Caracalla, who Elagabalus purported to be a son of. As Elagabalus was only 14, the running of the empire was left to his grandmother. He upset many traditionalists with his lifestyle and his insistence on the worship of the sun god Elagabalus over the old Roman pantheon. Finally he was overthrown and replaced by his cousin

Obverse Legends on coins depicting Elagabalus

For explanations of many of the abbreviations used in Roman imperial obverse legends, click here.

Coins of Elagabalus currently available

Coin image Elagabalus
Silver denarius issued AD 222
Obv: IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, Laureate draped bust right
Rev: PM TRP V COS IIII PP, Emperor wearing Syrian priestly robes, standing left, sacrificing out of patera in right hand over lighted altar, and holding club in left hand; in left field, star
Very Fine   |   AUD $120.00