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Gordian III

Marcus Antonius Gordianus

Dynasty: Gordians

Augustus (AD 238-244)

Gordian III, the grandson of Gordian I and nephew of Gordian II (those two briefly reigned Emperors who rebelled against the savage rule of Maximinus) was proclaimed Emperor at the age of around 13, in 238 AD. Chronicles of his reign closely match his predecessor Severus Alexander, and there are many similarities between their reigns: both come to the throne young, and both praised for their mild rule by the historians who were of the senatorial class. Gordian III was married to Tranquilla, the daughter of his Praetorian Prefect Timesitheus, who appeared to be the main power behind the throne. Timesitheus proved to be an able administrator and is possibly the reason behind the good name of Gordian's reign. However, he fell ill and died in 243 AD. His successor was Philip, an Arab, who cleverly turned the mood of the soldiers on the Persian campaign against their young Emperor. They murdered him while he pitifully begged Philip for his life. Philip was proclaimed Emperor (244 AD)

Obverse Legends on coins depicting Gordian III

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Coins of Gordian III currently available

Coin image Gordian III
Silver antoninianus issued AD 239/240
Obv: IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, Radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right
Rev: PM TRP II COS PP, Providentia, draped, standing left, holding globe in extended right hand and sceptre in left hand
Very Fine   |   AUD $140.00
Coin image Gordian III
Silver antoninianus issued AD 240
Obv: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, Radiate, draped bust facing right
Rev: LIBERALITAS AVG III, Liberalitas standing holding abacus and cornucopiae
Very Fine   |   AUD $130.00