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M. Aurelius Numerianus

Dynasty: Family of Carus

Augustus (AD 283-284)

Son of Carus, he was elevated to Caesar, and ten to co Augustus with his father and elder brother Carus. Numerian was with Carus in the East when his was killed and proclaimed Emperor by the troops. On his return he died in mysterious circumstances and during the confusion Diocletian, the commander of the bodyguard, had himself proclaimed emperor

Obverse Legends on coins depicting Numerian

For explanations of many of the abbreviations used in Roman imperial obverse legends, click here.

Coins of Numerian currently available

Coin image Numerian, Egypt, Alexandria
Bronze tetradrachm issued AD 284
Obv: A K M A NOVMEPIANOC CEB, Laureate, draped bust facing right
Rev: ETOVC Γ, Nike advancing right holding wreath and palm
Very Fine   |   AUD $70.00