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Flavius Gratianus

Dynasty: Family of Valentinian

Augustus (AD 375-383)

Gratian was the passionately Christian son of Valentinian I. He succeeded his father in AD 375 as Augustus, but devoted much of his time to hunting. He refused to take the position of Pontifex Maximus on his succession, the old post of Chief Priest that every Emperor adopted, so it was left vacant and the position disappeared. On his uncle's Valens' death, Gratian raised Theodosius, a son of a disgraced former general of Valentinian's, to the position of Augustus. In AD 383 Magnus Maximus revolted in Britain, and defeated Gratian, who died whilst fleeing towards the Alps

Obverse Legends on coins depicting Gratian

For explanations of many of the abbreviations used in Roman imperial obverse legends, click here.

Coins of Gratian currently available

Coin image Gratian
Bronze AE3 issued c. AD 367
Obv: DN GRATIANVS PF AVG, Diademed, draped bust facing right
Rev: SECVRITAS REPVBLICAE, (ALEB in ex.), Victory advancing left holding wreath
Very Fine   |   AUD $40.00
Coin image Gratian
Bronze AE4 issued c. AD 381-383
Obv: DN GRATIANVS PF AVG, Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing right
Rev: VOT XV MVL XX, Vows in wreath
Very Fine   |   AUD $35.00