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Valentinian II

Flavius Valentinianus

Dynasty: Family of Valentinian

Augustus (AD 375-392)

Son of Valentinian I and Justina, he was made emperor against his elder brother's wishes. Young Valentinian held responsibility for Italy and Illyricum. The young emperor tried to have his Master of Soldiers, Arbogastes removed, but was found dead in his bedchamber after Arbogastes refused to resign

Obverse Legends on coins depicting Valentinian II

For explanations of many of the abbreviations used in Roman imperial obverse legends, click here.

Coins of Valentinian II currently available

Coin image Valentinian II
Bronze AE3 issued AD 379-383
Obv: DN VALENTINIANVS PF AVG, Diademed, draped bust facing right
Rev: VRBS ROMA, (ANTB in ex.), Roma seated left on cuirass, holding Victory and sceptre, star and Φ in right field
Good Very Fine   |   AUD $120.00
Coin image Valentinian II
Bronze AE4 issued AD 388-392
Obv: DN VALENTINIANVS PF AVG, Diademed, draped bust facing right
Rev: SALVS REIPVBLICAE, (SMKB in ex.), Victory advancing left holding wreath, captive behind, X before
Very Fine-Extremely Fine   |   AUD $50.00
Coin image Valentinian II
Bronze AE4 issued AD 388-392
Obv: DN VALENTINIANVS PF AVG, Diademed, draped bust facing right
Rev: SALVS REIPVBLICAE, (ANTA in ex.), Victory advancing left holding wreath, captive behind, cross before
Nice Very Fine   |   AUD $40.00
Coin image Valentinian II
Bronze AE4 issued AD 388-392
Obv: DN VALENTINIANVS PF AVG, Diademed, draped bust facing right
Rev: SALVS REIPVBLICAE, Victory advancing left holding wreath, captive behind, cross before
Nice Very Fine   |   AUD $40.00