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Licinius II

Flavius Valerius Licinius Licinianus

Dynasty: Family of Constantine

Caesar (AD 317-324)

Licinius II was the son of Licinius and (possibly) Constantia, Constantine's half sister. He became his father's Caesar in AD 317 at a very young age. In the civil war with Constantine, Licinius lost, but he and his son was initially spared. But in AD 324 Constantine, on word of a plot, had Licinius and the young Licinius II executed

Obverse Legends on coins depicting Licinius II

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Coins of Licinius II currently available

Coin image Licinius II
Bronze AE3 issued AD 321-324
Obv: DN VAL LICIN LICINIVS NOB C, Helmeted, cuirassed bust left, holding spear across right shoulder and shield on left arm
Rev: IOVI CONSERVATORI, (SMKB in ex.), Jupiter, nude, chlamys draped across left shoulder, standing left, holding Victory on globe in right hand and eagle-tipped sceptre in left hand; to left, eagle with wreath; to right, captive, X IIΓ in right field
Very Fine   |   AUD $40.00